Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Millennial Workforce

The job market is changing.  Automation is coming and replacing not just lower skilled positions but also higher skilled areas.  Schools need to refocus their objects from preparing students for a job to preparing them to be entrepreneurs.  In order to be successful you will need to be an entrepreneur of your passions...

There needs to be a shift in how and what we are teaching our kids to prepare for.  They need to be preparing to be self-learners and have the ability to weave their way through the marketplace to find a place where they are comfortable and can contribute to society.  God has given us all abilities and strengths.  We need to identify what those strengths and abilities are and then use them to identify ways to help others.  By helping others we are using our passions to create value for others, which in turn contributes to society.

This is not going to be easy.  We will need a paradigm shift in what we think of school today.  Kids need the opportunity to explore what their gifts and talents are.  They need to be given a chance to focus on where they find interest.  Through those interests they will develop an appreciation and a desire to become life-long learners.

Side note: Our current school system is preparing kids for college so they can get jobs.  These jobs pay the bills so that we can live in comfort.  The next generation needs to change this deception.  They need to be focused on freedom.  The ability to be life-long learners will provide this freedom.