Friday, August 2, 2019

Does Natural Selection Support Evolution or Creation Theory?

Natural selection is the process by which individual organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.

So a lot of people think that natural selection and evolution are the same thing.   David Rives explains in this video using bacteria as an example.  Another example of natural selection, I reference Lysol's claim on their disinfectant product as "kills 99.9% of germs".  So that 0.01% survives?  Yes, and reproduces.  That bacteria has been "naturally selected" to withstand that disinfectant in the future!  

Evolution on the other hand believes that an organism can change from one species into another over a long period of time.  To do this a lot of new genetic information needs to be created.  The study of DNA has observed that DNA information is actually being lost, not gained over time this negates the idea that new genetic information is being created, thus creating new species.

At the beginning of this video the presenter begins with conjecture about the different traits that are shared between species.  Comparing traits of different species as links to a common ancestor.  This is only speculation, not observed scientific evidence.  At 2:07 the presenter compares human and chimpanzee chromosomes.  Humans had a common ancestor with 48 and humans lost 2 and then goes on to identify gene sequences that are the same as other animals.  So having similar sequences of DNA proof that we are all tied to a common ancestor or that a creator used similar "code" in different species to create similar characteristics?  

So does natural selection support evolution or creation?  You make the call.