Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Seeing Sin, Blindness to Sin

As we are hidden from our sins and as our eyes are opened it is interesting to see it's interesting to see this blinds us? Sin is also something as Americans we are living in without knowing it? Our way of living has become sinful and excepted from our past history (we don't see it as deeply as it really is).  We need to take a deep look at what we are doing and ask is it to glorify of God? If it's not we need to reevaluate our values as Americans and our lifestyle.

Building on our blindness of sin. In America we also have the blindness of God. As we have led for the past several decades are moral grounding to eroided. This eroding has caused us to back down from other influences that have impacted our society, schools, and civil institutions in a positive way. We have assumed, or let happen, the influence of the other secular directives inpact our social fabric. Because of this we see division not unity within our country. 

We have taken a more defensive stance against opposing view points versus embracing each others perspective. We've caved to the perspective of others because we are not strong enough to uphold Christan principles. We need to come together on the principles that this country was founded on. This is what drives us. These principles are what drive us to create a great nation built on principle not on man's sinful flaws.