Sunday, June 20, 2021

Create Beauty in Everything You Do

 To reflect God’s creation create beauty in everything you do so that others will be drawn to him.

There is so much darkness in the world we need to show God’s light.

God has given me the gift of creating beauty.  I need to use this to draw others to his love.

Beauty is created through: loving others, being efficient, being positive, finding the good in every situation, offering wisdom, complimenting creation, passing on knowledge Of God’s love.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Protection from Deception

 What is going on in the world?  There seem to be so many things that distract us from God but now not just God and biblical values but logic, honesty, respect, and love.  From media and politics to entertainment and social media the stories and discussions have turned to being about what people are saying and their opinion about what is happening and less about what is actually happening.  Our society has become focused on pride, getting our point across, or supporting a "movement".  Where has our values of honesty, love, and forgiveness gone?  

When our foundation of biblical values got dismissed, our society began a slow sprail down into the world we find ourselves in today.  We have been captured by the deceptions of this world, to believing that there is something more important than focusing on God.  When this happens we get chaos, pride, and deception.  

It is amazing to see major news outlets getting caught up in pride to get more viewers verses reporting on what is going on in the world.

Our social media platforms have changed how we communicate in good and bad ways.  There is a false sense of feeling disenfranchised by what others have or are doing.  "Everyone" is going on vacation this summer!  It can appear as though everyone is spending the summer at the beach or in the mountains, but in reality, its several people spread out over a few months that are spending a week at the beach.  

Besides the media having a bias, either left or right we have forgotten about intregety and honesty.  Lets report on the facts.  Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity has been a great source for reporting on data and actual information.