Friday, October 22, 2021

Save the Planet

Let’s save the planet! To do this there are some rules that need to be established. Those rules are listed below.  

 Grow 100% of your own food.

Forage for your food.

Use only natural fertilizer.

Walking is your only transportation.

Use locally obtained materials for your shelter.

Make your own clothing out of locally obtained materials.

Once you are doing all this you can dictate to the rest of the world how they are to live to save the planet.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Current Truths

 What are our options for the current environment we are living in?  How do we overcome the toxic atmosphere?

  1. Trust in God, read your Bible
  2. Stay connected, Band together
  3. Learn everything of value
  4. Live light, essentials only
  5. Resist pride (the Worldly)
  6. Serve others
1. Trust in God, read your Bible

God has a plan for his glory, to understand this and what the plan is you need to study the Bible.  It has the answers.  He has created this wonderful book for us to explore and come to know him and his plan for this world.  Once you understand that the words that are written in it will set you free, you can dig deeper into the meaning behind every word and letter.  

Trust begins by searching for the truth in what is written in the Bible.  The Bible explains all of human history and activities that we take part in.  He created everything and He is trying to teach us about loving him.  When the time is right he will return and show his glory.

2. Stay Connected, Band Together
In this uncertain time satan is trying to divide and conquer.  We need to band together to overcome this evil that has been unleashed on the world.  When we can band together we are stronger and have hope.  When we can band together locally we are supporting one another and connecting.  We can lean on one another and tack challenges together.

3. Learn Everything of Value
We must learn new things to continue to grow.  Growth keeps our minds moving.  In these troubling times we need to remeber the basics.  Food, shelter, clothing, & water are our essentials.  We need to constainly monitor our situation and determine if these essentials are adiquite.  If not we need to make adjustments being nimmal will help us not be trapped and put into a more difficult position.  

4. Living Light
We need to reduce our "overhead", our energy requirements, and increase our servival off the resources we have around us.  What can we do to reduce our needs from outside sources?

5. Resist Pride
The world today is filled with pride.  To make it in the world today one needs to show how great and better they are than the next person.  We must humble ourselves and elevate others and God.  From this we can overcome the evil.  How do we do this?  We need to love and not boast.  We need to listen and teach.  We need to engage the deseaved.  

6. Serve Others
We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  When we serve we connect with other that have a servant and humble heart.  This is the connection that brings us the closed to Gods love.

Serving others we need to be able to live light so our cost of living is low.  Serving takes time and presents of one, this is "local".  We are trusting God to provide.
We need to teach others about God, living light, locally, and healthy.  

Living light means:
1. Essentials only
2. getting by with as little as possible
    -Reduces worry
    -Reduces loss
    -Reduces stress
    -Reduces waste

Locally means:
1. Investment in a specific location
2. Food production
3. Governance
4. Supporting others

Heathly means:
1. Spiritually
2. Physically
3. Mentally