Saturday, November 12, 2016

Teaching our Kids through this Election

Who we elect is a reflection of who we are as a nation.  The Democrats and the Republicans each nominated individuals that they felt represented who they wanted to lead this country.  They both had massive flaws!  Whichever candidate you supported those flaws were overlooked because you were a Democrat or a Republican and that is who your party nominated.  (it is a little more complicated than that) Each had issues and reasons for not being a good president (See my post on moral presidential candidates) I cringe at having to explain why this country would have elected Clinton with the disregard for the rule of law, try explaining that to your kids, or electing Trump and having to explain why we would elect a president that says insensitive crude sexist comments and doesn't seem to have compassion for others.  Both sides overlooked the candidate that they supported and we have elected a president that either side is not totally happy with.

These individuals that we nominated to represent us are a reflection of who we are (are we collectively garnering wisdom when making our selection?), in this election people held their nose as they went to the voting machines to vote against the person they had disdain for the most, not because the candidate they voted for was the perfect choose or that they truly supported 100%.  We need to bring civil discourse back into the public square, where integrity, humbleness, and servitude are characteristics of who we select to run for office.  These are the type of characteristics that I want to pass along to my kids.

A lot of nasty things have been mentioned by both candidates in this election cycle.  We need to take a hard look at the candidates that the two party system nominates in the future and make sure they are a true reflect on who we want representing this country.  If we do not, we will have an election cycle where we focus on the negative verses the positive and lose focus on the policies and actions that will make this country strong.  There are a lot of critical issues on the table and a lot of these issues did not even get addressed or brought up.  Let us be wiser in who we select in the next go around.

Social media has been a blaze with comments about ultimatums, threats, and even friends fighting over what other people are doing in the name of the candidate they are against.  Listen, we need to stop pointing fingers, look at the direction we are headed as a country and work together to fix it.  Even though we have elected a candidate that may not represent your position, lets work together to bring those issues to the table, lets have them addressed in a civil manner.

Toby mentioned a few weeks ago, that "I am more worried about whether you are praying with your kids every night than whether they are praying in the state house."  We need to get back to teaching our kids about right and wrong, there are going to be people in the world that don't like our hair, cloths, color of our skin, how much money we have or don't have, as parents we need to teach our kids the difference in right and wrong, that the things that people say may not be the most appropriate.  We need to discuss these with them and teach them that God is in control and we need to pray for those that do harm to us, so that they may see what they are doing is not acceptable and to open their hearts to forgiveness.  Do not allow your kids to harden their hearts for those that repress them, teach them to be creative in showing love to even their enemies.

There are things that we need to explain to our kids about both of these candidates leading up to this election.  We needed to talk about sex, sin, corruption, breaking the law, justice, etc.  Not exactly issues that come up in everyday discussion with your kids, and not something that presidential candidates should be mired in as we typically hold these people to high moral standards, but our kids  are going to be exposed to this at school eventually and it is better to talk with them about why this is not acceptable behavior, so they can make a difference in their sphere of influence.  Let us as parents each our kids about right and wrong.  We will always have "enemies" that want to repress us, let us stand against them and find ways to spread love not hate.

Let us take the first steps in ensuring the next generation make a positive different by being Christ followers and not worldly worshipers of man.  We live in a free country where each one of us has the ability to be a positive influence, let us each take this opportunity to make a difference.

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