Thursday, May 18, 2017

Managing Our Kids instead of Loving them

We spend a lot of time managing our kids.  From the time they get up to the time they go to bed.  From a baby to teenagers.  We are not met to manage our kids but love them.  Once again our modern world says we need to have a big house, big mortgage, work hard to get ahead, etc, etc.   How often do we sit down with our kids and just talk about the day...  This goes back to some think I read that said, our kids spend more time with a coach, other kids, teachers, do you want them being the biggest influences in their lives?  My goal was to send more time with my kids than anyone else. I want to have the biggest influence on them.  Well, I have failed.  Between work, home repairs, maintenance, second job, that time has dwindled down to a few minutes a day.  If I'm luck maybe a few dinners a week...

Getting back to managing our kids, how ha this happened?  As they get old they are distracted (as are we) with getting caught up with the rat race, focused on our phones.  I was talking with my brother from Buffalo earlier today and pictured him sitting in his backyard and calling to just say hi.  I mentioned how it is so hard to just sit and relax or to give someone a call for no reason but to talk about the day.  We need to get back to the metal state of relaxing, taking a break to let our brains breath.  We need to cut out all this extra stuff, the big house, make more money, etc, and get back to a simpler time...

Ref.: Robert J Kriegel, PhD; How to Succeed at Business without working so Damn Hard

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