Saturday, November 18, 2017

Living Abundantly

We live in a time of abundance.  I say this with a positive inference, but also to raise awareness that this abundance also comes with a responsibility.  God has blessed this country with the abundance to build big houses, fancy cars, and live like kings and queens.  The problem with this living is it also reflects a lack of responsibility in how we spend our time and resources.  We work 40 hours a week to maintain a lifestyle of over indulgence.  This over indulgence has caused our society to focus on material things and not on what is truly important in our lives.  We could get by not working 40 hours a week.  What if we didn't work 40 hours a week? 

We would have more time to focus on connecting with one another, take time to experience the world around us, and worship our creator.  We have just become accustom to living in a way that does not allow us to live this way.  We are to busy to "stop and smell the roses".  God did not create us this way and it is reflected in our dependence on medication of all types. 

What if we could live in a way that was honoring to God and utilized our resources in a way that wasn't wasteful, but still offered the level of life style.

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