Sunday, December 13, 2020

Holding Political and Media Leaders Accountable

 It is time to set a new standard, expectation, and accountability for integrity in or politics and media.  

Integrity: Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code

We need to hold our leaders and the media accountable.  

"We the people" have fallen behind in our duly to hold the both of these groups to task.  This needs to change in order to maintain our democratic republic.  We have been on a very slippery slope and we are getting very close to falling off the edge if corrective action is not taken.  

With the level of disinformation being presented recently we are having a difficult time knowing what is believable.  This needs to stop.  If credible media outlets are withholding information or reporting with a bias we have no way individually to confirm the truth.  When the truth is not being shared it brings into play falsehoods, misunderstandings, contempt, and mistrust for everyone.  A free society can not operate this way for very long.  

If both sides do not step down from their positions and step back and look for a solution that is the good of the whole we will spiral down into anarchy.  

Here are some key elements we need to see to turn us from the current path we are on:

  1. There needs to be discussion between the 2 parties

  2. Media needs to be reporting on the facts of a situation and avoid the commentary, our media has gotten so sloppy with their reporting

    1. No opinions declared (or hinted at)

    2. Present facts that are correct and verified

    3. Reporter/writer, date and time stamp all articles

    4. Reference all sources

  3. The media needs to be questioning issues that are raised not suppression them

    1. When a news outlet becomes untrustworthy about one issue, their reporting on everything is brought into question

  4. Both sides need to be listened too

    1. A clear understanding of the others concerns need to be understood

  5. There needs to be a level of reconciliation

  6. Transparentancy

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Healthy Life: basic steps

I wanted to mention a few things I have been doing on my health plan to loss 20 lbs. and have more energy, that may help others trying to get healthy. 

1. No liquid sugar/chemicals (lots of water!)

2. Eat a fueling every 3 hours

3. More leafy greens, you can’t eat enough greens

4. Lunch time is the best time to get your protein in for your lean and green

Programming your body and having a great coach are keys to getting healthy.