Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Expectations, Be Humble

God has a plan.  He is great!  Have you ever had an experience where your expectations are different than the reasons for why you are in that situation?  It was made perfectly clear recently that my reasoning for being hired was a lot different than what I had thought.

In my career I've developed a level of knowledge and experience to create some of the most beautiful and expense aircraft interiors in the world.  I've travelled the world and had the chance to meet interesting and powerful individuals.  I have developed some of the must innovative and interesting solutions to creating these interiors.  I had gained great experience in the process of launching my own company.   I put in my time and have reached a point in my career where I was ready to take on a leadership role of that opportunity was out there.

Through the process of building my own company I came across an opportunity to join a new company that wanted to do things differently!  I thought with my expertise and knowledge I could bring a lot of value to the table, being in the financial situation I was in, I could not pass it up.  Besides this was an opportunity to create a design studio from the ground up and get paid doing it!

I start in, even before my official start date of outlining how this now facility could streamline the design process thus saving time and money in the upfront process, which was the vision of the company as I understood it.  I was ready to work within the management team and outline the integration of the design with engineering and production.  Being strong with developing processes I was energized!  God had called me to this opportunity and I was ready to embrace it with all of my being.  God gives us our gifts and talents for opportunities like this!

After being in this role for several weeks it was becoming clear that some of the ideas and objectives I had envisioned for playing a lead role in creating the best interiors in the world was dimming.

I was starting to realize that my desires were different than the companies.   The time finely arrived to provide some direction to the path I was headed down.  A meeting was scheduled to discuss certain aspects of my work assignments.  (As a side note, even though the results from this meeting did not , as I felt came out in my career favor, it was freeing to know that the responsibility for the design would not be on my shoulders, God has bigger plans.)  It was made perfectly clear that design would not be managed by "us" internally but by an outside design firm, we would be operating in a support and coordination role.  I would be using my 20+ years of knowledge and experience to promote someone else's work above my own.

This shows that God has more important plans for my life then becoming the best designer.  He is showing me that I need to put him first in my life and my accomplishments second (John 3:30).  This is a good test of over coming worldly desires to be number one and promoting someone else.

God, keep me focused on you so my heart grows closer to you.  Teach me through this experience to be humble and that you are first, not me.

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