Sunday, April 28, 2019


As Chistians we all get it, but I wanted to share with you what God let me experience last night the reason we need to have punishment in this world. 

So I live in a small townhome apartment complex.  There are multiple buildings spreadout over the campus.  It is a Saturday night so my neighbors take advantage of the weekend to play loud music from not their apartment but from their cars.  Which are parked outside my window.  I tolerant the noise and at midnight I determine there is no plan for turning it down.  I plan to confront them from my balcony but after recogizing the state of Drunkardness I determine it is not safe and call the police. 

One I gave my number and address to the operator she immediately know what I was calling about, I assumed others had made calls as well.  An offerier did roll by at 12:21 and provided a warning.  The music stopped for a few minutes but the drinking and yelling carried on.  I was surprised that even with the police stopping over that they where brazen enough to not do anything. 

At 1:15 another call was placed and at 1:40 the police came a second time.  They we're again asked to turnoff the music.  This time the music stopped but the drinking and disruptive banter contiuned on into the wee hours of the morning. 

This is a great example of God's warnings to us.  As we challenge his authority there comes a point where the warnings have little effect on us .  In order to get our attention we need to be affected to the point that effects us in some way.  Sometimes this leads to punishment.  We have been so defiant that God has no other choice. 

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