Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Jesus Fawns-over Us, His Love Is Enough

So guys have a desire to be flattered by others.  This creates a desire to be looked up to.  This comes into play at work, out in the world, and at home.  Men depend on their wives for support in the decisions they make and in how they relate to others.  If a woman does not do this it creates a desire in the man to obtain this from somewhere else.  There is a cure for this but it requires us to refocus.

God has a desire to fawn over us.  He loves us, and when we desire this from others we are taking away this relationship with him.  We need to change our desire from someone else to Jesus. We need to put our focus on Jesus. He is the one and only true love for us.  We can not require others to do it, not our wives, not our friends, not somebody down the street or neighbor, but Jesus is the one we need to be focused on. We need to take our focus off of ourselves and put our focus on Jesus.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Food: God has Supplied

So we are at a interesting point in the world and I think one of the things when you look around and have your eyes open to God. You can see in every aspect of your life here in the US is affected by Satan. Just looking at the food that we eat. It is bad for us. The fast food, how we grow our food, and how we prepare our food are all not what God intended. So we end up with people that are overweight. We need to be eating healthy. We need to get back to the basic foods vegetables, leafy greens, and get back to eating healthy again. So food is just one aspect of how we lost our way with God's intention for us.

Let's get it back by living the way God intended. We need to eat healthy. God has supplied us with all the food that we need. We need to realize what that food is and learn to be grateful for what God has provided us.

The American Church is Dead, Time to Follow Jesus

It's interesting how people say the American church is not stepping up during this time of trouble.  I would argue that part of the problem is how the American Church has evolved.  The American Church is part of the problem. The "church" is just part of society now.  There is no difference between a religious person that goes to church and secular person that doesn't  the statistics are the same. In order to make a difference we need to be followers of Christ not followers of religion that man has created.

We need to come together with love and be the hands and feet of Jesus. We cannot depend on the church to do these things any longer.  The church of America is motivated in our society by money, power, and position.  

Thank you for keeping the sheep at bay, it is time to step out as followers of Christ and boldly make an impact in our communities as we prepare for his return.