Sunday, July 12, 2020

Food: God has Supplied

So we are at a interesting point in the world and I think one of the things when you look around and have your eyes open to God. You can see in every aspect of your life here in the US is affected by Satan. Just looking at the food that we eat. It is bad for us. The fast food, how we grow our food, and how we prepare our food are all not what God intended. So we end up with people that are overweight. We need to be eating healthy. We need to get back to the basic foods vegetables, leafy greens, and get back to eating healthy again. So food is just one aspect of how we lost our way with God's intention for us.

Let's get it back by living the way God intended. We need to eat healthy. God has supplied us with all the food that we need. We need to realize what that food is and learn to be grateful for what God has provided us.

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