Thursday, December 15, 2016

Celebrate Differences

We have rich, strong, and wonderful cultures that differ from one another.  These differences are what make us unique and interesting!  We need to explore our differences and learn from one another.  We need to celebrate those differences not suppress and conform.

I have visited may parts of the world through my business travels.  These trips have allowed me to experience the people living there ordinary lives.  That is ordinary to them, but for me it was an opportunity to see people that shared common concerns as a mother or father, manage work life and family life, living in a city vs. rural, living with financial abundance and without, etc.  In all my experiences it has been wonderful to take in and observe human nature and its reaction to these influences in our lives.  These experiences have made my life richer.  As we live in this world of political correctness, that wants to separate us from exploring our differences and discussing them, we are robbed of experiencing a rich life.

Let us open the door to experiencing the richness that fills all our lives, the struggles and the triumphs.  Just like telling our testimony to others, to ourselves, our life seems dull and boring, yet when we are able to express the highlights that have made us who we are, suddenly there is a richness that others can experience and gain from.

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