Friday, December 2, 2016


I was reading an article last week about the Christian view on immigration (  It was very interesting and shed a little bit of light on why, I think, there are proponents of open borders.  Having open borders allows everyone that wants to come into our country to enjoy the benefits of this great nation and the ability to do so unimpeded, spreading the blessings to all that wish to come here.  This is a great and noble cause, but it is a bit flawed when it comes to reality.

In the past (and for the most part still are) we have been a country founded and operated on Judaeo-Christian values.  These values have been the cornerstone of our government and society in general.  Our legal system was established and is based upon upholding biblical truths no matter your religion, an economic system based on your willingness to participate, your inventiveness, and hard work, and having individual freedoms.  These values have caused people from all over the planet to flock here and legally go through the immigration process to be a part of this great experiment.  That immigration process is part of what makes this country great, because it is based on laws and being fair.

The issue with immigration today is we do not operate on these principles and values any more.  It is not fair that some can walk across and work, commit crimes and not be held accountable, or steal our services and benefits.  We need to uphold our laws, this is a reflection on our values and loving everyone, including foreigners, equally and without judgment.

Not all people that are coming here today are coming to experience the Judaeo-Christian values.  As we have become lax in our values and laws we have also shown that we are not serious about upholding the values that made this country great.  When others are not being treated fairly, it is hard to not judge the person getting the benefit, don't make decisions that cause this to happen.  Love is when we humble ourselves, are grateful for the opportunity, and can celebrate being welcoming into a "family".  It is ease to extend and accept love in that scenario.  When you are sly, doing things you should not be doing, and hiding in the shadows, it is hard for that person to accept love because they know they have done something wrong.  Let us not put people in this situation.  When we don't uphold our values, why would others coming here want to uphold those values.  We need to get serious about respecting the values that made this country great.  We need to make it a place where struggling people can come and experience the love, justice, and forgiveness of God again.  Let us personally show those around us this love, and let us nominate and elect representatives that uphold and honor these values when we go to the voting booth.

Sidenote: If we make it easy to become citizens, what does that show you about our seriousness to uphold the values that made this country great?  We need to get serious about what our values are and what values have made this a great country for others to want to come to.

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