Wednesday, December 21, 2016


This has become an epidemic in our country.  If we are a Christian nation this is a good reflection that we are not truly serious about our values.  There are a few items I would like to address when it comes to divorce.

When we get married we are making a covenant with God.  A covenant is a promise, an agreement that goes beyond a contract.  I think a lot of people believe that a marriage is a "contract", contracts can be broken if the the other side does not follow thru with there commitment, they can be changed, updated, ripped up!  A covenant is a lifelong commitment, your word, your promise.  When we stand at the alter we are committing for a lifetime.  This is where the man is called to be the leader of the household.  This is a very important responsibility that God will hold husbands accountable for as he has called men to be the leaders of the household.

Selfishness & Forgiveness
When we commit our souls to a covenant we are committing for life to love, hold, and take care of one another.  This is a 100 percent, a 100 percent agreement, I am committing 100 percent to this relationship.  Our culture has taught us to be 50/50.  We set our expectations on the ideal marriage situation.  My new spouse will take care of me now, cook, clean, buy wonderful things for me, shower me with adoration, and protect me from whatever the world throws at us.  This is an unrealistic reality.  We need to reprogram ourselves to be 100 percent in.  This is not easy to do, me and my wife have struggled with this in our own marriage.  When we give 100 percent, a key to this is being able to forgive 100 percent.  We are all humans and we mess-up a lot!  I know some of you are thinking that forgiving is the same as forgetting, its not.  We need to communicate our desires for ourselves and our marriage so that we can work toward those ideals together.

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