Monday, July 19, 2021

Great Minds Will Prevail

 Great minds are the ones who create innovation and generate the energy of the world.  These minds need to be promoted and encouraged.  These minds need to come together to save the world from the power hungry.  Let us work together to encourage one another and build upon the innovation that is within all of us.  To do this we need to connect with one another.  Our minds need to reflect and be used to bounce ideas off of that will create a positive impact in the world.  We need to fight tyranny and suppression.  

Master minds need to come together to sharpen iron with iron.  We need to always keep the mind in motion and never idle. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

COVID Experience

 Friday July 10th started with a headache. It was more like a tension headache.  Almost declined dinner with Dexter and Jenn, but did retire afterwards due to the headache and overall not feeling good. Dinner was nice.

In the morning I had Bible study and scheduled to work out at the farm.  I canceled the farm visit but connected with Peter for our Bible study. I was beginning to have bony aches and overall joint stiffness.  It was hard to move around.  An unusual symptom was what I call “micro cramps”.  Theses painful discomforts were like a combination tiny skin spasm and a cramp.  I had these from Saturday to roughly Monday.

It this point I was assuming I had a bad flu since I didn’t have the common usual signs associated with COVID, no fever, no loss of taste.  Tuesday I got test for COVID so when I returned to work I could assure everyone I was safe.  Coughing up clear.

Tuesday I woke with a horse throat but not a sore throat.  I talked to Several people that morning and I was expecting a return to work before the end of the week. Test came back positive.  Tuesday night I could feel some in my chest.  I did a and got a prescription filled that night for ZPak and steroids.

Wednesday feel it in my chest but normal my O2 was normal. Thursday seemed to be getting back to normal or at least stabilizing. Didn’t sleep good Thursday night, so had some NyQuil to help get over a more painful chest cough.  Friday morning slept in until 10am which is not normal for me. Remainder of the day felt wiped out and spent a majority of time sleeping.  I did start a 3D model of the mock-up seat for work, but that’s about as far as I got.  

Saturday morning coughing up brown.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Gov Pushing Vaccine

 I’m tired of all this talk about getting vaccinated.  In clinical studies the risk reduction from the the vaccination group and the placebo group is only one percent.  This is also a experimental gene therapy injection with no long term studies published.  Stop saying all people need to take it.  

With treatments available vaccination shouldn’t even be on the table anymore.  Stop pushing something that is experimental and not needed.  

There are studies that show Ivermectine (spelling to avoid censorship) can treat it along with IV vitamin C and hydroxyquaquin (spelling to avoid censorship) with zinc if taken early enough. 

The government needs to stop demanding the vaccine on everyone until the long term effects are known over the current population that has now taken the experimental drug.

With India turning to providing Ivermectine to its population I hope that the world will begin to see that the vaccines are not needed.

India taking legal action against WHO

Friday, July 2, 2021

Moral Collective Faith

 A free country can not survive without a collective moral faith.  

It’s truly amazing to watch this country fall into the arms of evil.  From censorship of life saving solutions to blatant animal behavior attacks on fellow human beings in brood day light.  We have accepted these things because we have lost the moral high ground.  

Where does this come from?  It comes from selfishness and turning our backs on God.  We have become more concerned about whether our “side” is winning.  We have given into this thinking and turned from what is good for the whole.  

Why have we done this?  Our loss of faith in a higher authority.  Our moral compass has become what is “best” for me.  

This is what has caused us to reject the rule of law.  We need to get back to our foundation of law and our moral faith.