Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Gov Pushing Vaccine

 I’m tired of all this talk about getting vaccinated.  In clinical studies the risk reduction from the the vaccination group and the placebo group is only one percent.  This is also a experimental gene therapy injection with no long term studies published.  Stop saying all people need to take it.  

With treatments available vaccination shouldn’t even be on the table anymore.  Stop pushing something that is experimental and not needed.  

There are studies that show Ivermectine (spelling to avoid censorship) can treat it along with IV vitamin C and hydroxyquaquin (spelling to avoid censorship) with zinc if taken early enough. 

The government needs to stop demanding the vaccine on everyone until the long term effects are known over the current population that has now taken the experimental drug.

With India turning to providing Ivermectine to its population I hope that the world will begin to see that the vaccines are not needed.

India taking legal action against WHO

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