Friday, July 2, 2021

Moral Collective Faith

 A free country can not survive without a collective moral faith.  

It’s truly amazing to watch this country fall into the arms of evil.  From censorship of life saving solutions to blatant animal behavior attacks on fellow human beings in brood day light.  We have accepted these things because we have lost the moral high ground.  

Where does this come from?  It comes from selfishness and turning our backs on God.  We have become more concerned about whether our “side” is winning.  We have given into this thinking and turned from what is good for the whole.  

Why have we done this?  Our loss of faith in a higher authority.  Our moral compass has become what is “best” for me.  

This is what has caused us to reject the rule of law.  We need to get back to our foundation of law and our moral faith.

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