Friday, December 31, 2021

COVID Vaccination

 Let’s use science, as all logical people have suggested we use for getting vaccination for Covid.  The way our body works, and has forever, is it fights off attacks by viruses and creates a defense against such viruses. Once you get sick from this virus your body has created an immune response that will fight off any future invasion of that virus.  Once you get Covid your natural immune system will protect you from future infections.  If this is the case what is purpose of getting a vaccination if you have already gotten Covid?  

Keep in mind using science to base our logic on.  It can’t be spread and I can’t get it again. So the purpose of getting a vaccination has become mute.  I don’t think it’s any more complicated than this.  

Let’s make a couple more points about the vaccination.  The labeling of the “Covid vaccination “ is a bit misleading in itself.  Typical vaccines are based on injecting a dead virus into someone’s body.  The “Covid vaccines” are actually mRNA that is injected into a person’s body. This mRNA has instructions for your body to produce spike proteins that mimic the receptors on the Covid virus thus creating an immune response to those spike proteins. This is different than your historical vaccines so should it be called a vaccine?

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