Friday, December 31, 2021

Evil in this World

 There seems to be an unleashing of evil on the world. It has been a progressive move to a darker existence and over the pass couple of years it has become more obvious.  With the Covid and the election of 2020 there have been may disconnected entities that have been working in concert with evil aspirations.  When taken together there is and has been great damage done.  We as a People need to stand up and make a stand against this tyranny for the sake of future generations and our own survival. 

Government, social, and business leadership have all succumbed to this mentality.  We need to bring true Christ like values back to our national and worldly psyche.

I sensed this last year at this time when we visited Washington, DC.  Compared to what I remember as a kid, the city seemed to fallen into disrepair and a focus away from our founding principles.  

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