Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Live Lite

 We live in a world where consuming is the way to economic growth.  Yet this way of survival is not sustainable.  What can we do to change this?

This has not always been the way of the world.  Typically a majority of the world’s population has struggled for survival.  Through over consuming a cheap supply of energy we have created wealth for a greater percentage of the the world’s population than we have ever seen.  This trend is not sustainable and will need to be managed at some point.  How can we manage this?  

One endeavor I am perusing is the idea of “Living Lite”.  We have amazing technology and resources today that can allow us to live very comfortable and I would add luxurious lifestyles with out the impact we are having on the environment and the rate of consumption of goods and energy that we are currently on.  

I believe we need to promote these lifestyles and develop accommodates for this type of lifestyle.

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