Saturday, October 1, 2016


The United States of America was founded on biblical principles. We need to rediscover those principles. I felt a calling to raise awareness to what the bible says we need to be doing as Christians and contrast that with what our culture is telling us today.  My hope is that this will help reestablish biblical principles that will guide us today.

Through this calling and desire to bring Christ back to the forefront of this nation's consciousness, my intent is not to belittle those that are Christians but rather raise the question to ones own sole on whether they are acting as Christ would want them to act.  Providing a standard against the status quo of our contemporary society.  I fall short of these ideals but look to these thoughts as a standard to strive for in my own life.

As you read through these ideas please feel free to provide you thoughts and feedback.  I look forward to productive and civil dialogue with all representatives including those that may oppose wholeheartedly these ideas.  As a free society we must all be willing to listen and engage in ideas that may be extreme so that all grievances can be addressed, allow all to be included and take an active roll in the American experiment.

My intention is to focus on Biblical principles, but there may be a peppering of other thoughts that relate to other areas that I am passionate about.

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