Friday, October 28, 2016

Moral Presidential Candidates

I was just reading an article about how a "well-known evangelical theologian" was no longer endorsing Trump and bemoaned his character.  If basing your decision on moral character is determining your vote, I'm not sure there is anyone to vote for!

Romans 3:23 
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

We are not going to find a person of moral character that will be sinless, but I do believe that we can find people that live up to the next verse,

Romans 3:24
"and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

Let not our sin define us, but rather through grace and a striving to be more like Jesus everyday be the definition of who we are.  

We are looking for people of character, not that they are perfect, but rather striving for that perfection.  The reason we have gotten so caught up and divided with Donald Trump is the fact that he is not striving for something greater than himself.  As a country we want a strong leader, but also a leader who knows that God is the creator and ultimate leader.

I hope that through this process we take inventory of our own character.  Determine if as individuals we are striving to be more like Christ everyday.  If we all did this our world would be a much different place, still not perfect, but better.  

Vote your conscience this election, understand who you are voting for, and at the end we must come back together as a nation and stop the division that has struck us over the past several years.  

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