Wednesday, October 5, 2016

American Dream

What is the American Dream?  Our presidents' throw this idea around when they are talking about providing opportunities and benefits that the government can help the people reach a certain financial pinnacle.

The American Dream is not a tangible, it is an ideal.  The opportunity to struggle and succeed with out the restricts of class, government dictate, but within a rule of law that provides all the same opportunity to be successful in whatever endeavor that may be.  The typical reference to reaching this ideal is a house with a white picket fence.  This is not the "American Dream"!  This can be the thermometer but its not the goal.

We have become so caught up in the measurement of the American Dream we have lost focus on what it truly is.  The government has done as much as possible to provide, not an opportunity to reach the "American Dream" but rather, the house with a white picket fence, at the cost of future generations. This has come in the form of subsidy's for housing, college, and now phones, TVs, etc.

We need to teach our kids that the american dream is about what you make of your life not by what you gather.

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