Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Focus on Christ

In this twisted world we need to stay focused on Christ.  We need to love God even more and continue to love our neighbor.  In this election season we have seen the worst of humanity, not just in the things said but also in the hateful nature those words and actions in some cases have demonstrated.  The part of being a part of a Christian based society is that, as Christians we do not conduct ourselves in this fashion (just another indication that we are in a post Christian era or not a Christian nation anymore).  There is civil discourse and as a nation we are not conducting ourselves in this way.  The traditional values that we have upheld from our founding have been taken over by entitlement, pride (striving for power), and self fulfillment and serving oneself.  If this is the future of the United States than I am happy to surrender myself to the one true King.  We as Christians need to understand that through the recent generations, we as a country have failed to pass on the Christian values that made this country great.  Through this failing we have entered the post Christian world.  Let us not be restrained by trying to sustain what has become an "American life style" without God.  Let us embrace a life style with God, living in a godless America.  Let us focus on what God has called us to do, let the world wander down the path of destruction, there is no need for us to follow.  Let us refocus our attention to love and raising Christ focused families.  When the world has imploded, Christ will prevail.  

When we focus on the discourse in the media, politics, and etc we lose focus on God.  This is very hard for those that believe that this nation has been blessed by God and find it had to believe that we need to give that up.  The issue is that we have been so focused on insisting on that God has ordained this nation that we have lost focus on the true target...

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