Friday, March 2, 2018

Class Levels Cannot be Eliminated

As long as we have different people we will have different classes.  Not everyone can be in the upper class.  After defining what class levels are.  There are no way that everyone can be raised to the same level.  As the lower classes are raised up, this just changes the definition not the fact they are moving to a higher class.  In order to move  from one class to another one must exceed the current standards of income through innovation.  How is this possible and why is this ok?

Here on earth we have different reasons for who and why we are.  If you have a Chrisitan world view being in one class over another class does not make you better than someone else.  God has created us with dfferent strengths, skills, and resources.  We are to use those to best of ability in ways that server the Lord.  We can get great joy from this method of thinking.

I will provide an example of my own life.  I am very interested in innnovation and creating.  God made me this way and I am greatful for this.  My brother is more a people person and can naogisate deals and has become very successful at doing this.  I do not envy him for this as this is not something I am intersted in. 

We all need to find our strengths and discover our purpose for being here.  Just because you haven't found it yet doesn't mean you don't have a purpose.  Keep searching and praying and you will discover your calling.  Do not let your "class" in society limit your purpose.

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