Saturday, March 10, 2018

What Defines you?

What seems to be a hot topic now is how robots are going to take away our jobs.  Humans will be left with nothing to do.  Since our jobs define who we are there are going to be a lot of lost people.  Well I don't necessarily agree with this thinking.  We need to have logical discussions about this and as Glen Beck has been preaching recently, and bring "reason" back.  

As Christians we are not defined by our job but rather how God sees us.  When we have Gods perspective we can bring value to our life and discover why we are here.  God sees great potential in all of us no matter our weaknesses or our defects.  We all have potential to do great things in God's eyes.  

We are not defined by our job or our career but how we treat others.  This is manifested in how we are engaged in our community.  We need to look for ways to help others, our neighbors, the elderly, and the next generation.  We need to show God's love through our actions.  Let this define who you are, let this be where you add value, feel loved, and feel valued.

As we move into a future of robots and reduced "jobs" we will actually be entering an era of freedom that we need to take advantage of.  We will have time to engage with others, make an impact in the community around us.  We need to look for and leverage these opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Creating community in our lives is what God has programmed us for.

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