Saturday, March 10, 2018

Russian Collision

Wow!  This story has gone on long enough.  The dieing mainstream media is covering this dead horse for way to long, but that is beside the point of this discussion.  At this point it seems that Russia has played a part in trying to influence our society through propaganda in social media.  The critical point is not that the Democrats are trying to tag Trump or that the Republicans are trying to tag Clinton in this mess it is the fact that as Americans we need to wake up and understand that there is more to the story.  We need to start waking up to the fact that foreign interests are looking for ways to break down our society.  Here are some practical things we need to start doing as a nation.

  1. Look at our news through multiple news outlets, all of the mass market news outlets have become activists promoting one side or another.
  2.  We need to learn our constitution and what the Bill of Rights stand for.
  3. We need to stop having a victim mentality
  4. We need to focus on our value through God's eyes
Beyond this the discussion that Washington needs to be having with the country is, yes we are under attack and we need to be more vigilant when it comes to what we are reading in any of the different forms that we get information.  It is not always true and we cannot be naive as technology improves methods of deceit will only get worse.  We need to be educated in what ours are trying to do and focus on our true values as a country.  Our founding fathers had it right, what they established was a framework to limit human tendency toward power.  We need to uphold these principles to maintain our union.

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