Friday, March 2, 2018

Husbands Lead

God designed men to lead their families.  God designed this to allow a special bond between husband and wife.  As I was reading through a christian girls magazine sitting on the table, it seemed odd how it was "talking" to teens about life.  One image struck me, seeing a girl with her bible in her hands looking at and walking up to a illustrated church.  This seemed wierd to me because she was walking up to it along.  Like she had to do this on her own, she needed to figure this out on her own.

We have strayed from the idea of a man leading their families.  The idea that we can be independent, we don't need anyone else is a isolation technique that Satan uses to erode the fabric of the Christian faith.

There are factors, as a progressive society, that have added to this erosion.  Some of these factors are an evolutionary progression and some are intentionally promoted for various reasons.

God created the bond between a man and a woman and to help facilitate that bond we need to understand and reevaluate the roles that our modern society has dictated.  Men need to take on the responsibility of leading.  (This leadership role has been watered down by the feminist independence movement which has shifted the "Overton Window" to make this more accepted in our society.)  This lack of leadership has caused a lapse in the responsibility that a man has to his family and has reduced the value of masculine leadership.

As an example of this relationship, men are no longer required to be the spiritual leaders of the home.  Why? The wife can now do this, she does not need to depend on her husband to lead this area.  So it comes down to expectations, we have dropped the requirement for men to step up and lead.  If a man no longer has this expectation he can fall away from how God designed him, which in our world of distractions, is not hard to do.  He can then go and pursue other interests while his wife goes to "church".

We need to change this expectation.  It is not ok for the man to not lead his family.  We need to reestablish this as righteous and critical role that he plays.

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