Friday, December 31, 2021

Evil in this World

 There seems to be an unleashing of evil on the world. It has been a progressive move to a darker existence and over the pass couple of years it has become more obvious.  With the Covid and the election of 2020 there have been may disconnected entities that have been working in concert with evil aspirations.  When taken together there is and has been great damage done.  We as a People need to stand up and make a stand against this tyranny for the sake of future generations and our own survival. 

Government, social, and business leadership have all succumbed to this mentality.  We need to bring true Christ like values back to our national and worldly psyche.

I sensed this last year at this time when we visited Washington, DC.  Compared to what I remember as a kid, the city seemed to fallen into disrepair and a focus away from our founding principles.  

COVID Injection Mandates

 Referring back to my previous post on “Covid Vaccination”, I’m also going to base this discussion on science. 

Keeping this simple, if you’ve had Covid there is no need to get a vaccination. So what is the purpose or the science behind the push to get everyone a shot even if you have natural immunity?  Is there really a need to get the shot? I can’t see the scientific reason. 

COVID Vaccination

 Let’s use science, as all logical people have suggested we use for getting vaccination for Covid.  The way our body works, and has forever, is it fights off attacks by viruses and creates a defense against such viruses. Once you get sick from this virus your body has created an immune response that will fight off any future invasion of that virus.  Once you get Covid your natural immune system will protect you from future infections.  If this is the case what is purpose of getting a vaccination if you have already gotten Covid?  

Keep in mind using science to base our logic on.  It can’t be spread and I can’t get it again. So the purpose of getting a vaccination has become mute.  I don’t think it’s any more complicated than this.  

Let’s make a couple more points about the vaccination.  The labeling of the “Covid vaccination “ is a bit misleading in itself.  Typical vaccines are based on injecting a dead virus into someone’s body.  The “Covid vaccines” are actually mRNA that is injected into a person’s body. This mRNA has instructions for your body to produce spike proteins that mimic the receptors on the Covid virus thus creating an immune response to those spike proteins. This is different than your historical vaccines so should it be called a vaccine?

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Live Lite

 We live in a world where consuming is the way to economic growth.  Yet this way of survival is not sustainable.  What can we do to change this?

This has not always been the way of the world.  Typically a majority of the world’s population has struggled for survival.  Through over consuming a cheap supply of energy we have created wealth for a greater percentage of the the world’s population than we have ever seen.  This trend is not sustainable and will need to be managed at some point.  How can we manage this?  

One endeavor I am perusing is the idea of “Living Lite”.  We have amazing technology and resources today that can allow us to live very comfortable and I would add luxurious lifestyles with out the impact we are having on the environment and the rate of consumption of goods and energy that we are currently on.  

I believe we need to promote these lifestyles and develop accommodates for this type of lifestyle.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Save the Planet

Let’s save the planet! To do this there are some rules that need to be established. Those rules are listed below.  

 Grow 100% of your own food.

Forage for your food.

Use only natural fertilizer.

Walking is your only transportation.

Use locally obtained materials for your shelter.

Make your own clothing out of locally obtained materials.

Once you are doing all this you can dictate to the rest of the world how they are to live to save the planet.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Current Truths

 What are our options for the current environment we are living in?  How do we overcome the toxic atmosphere?

  1. Trust in God, read your Bible
  2. Stay connected, Band together
  3. Learn everything of value
  4. Live light, essentials only
  5. Resist pride (the Worldly)
  6. Serve others
1. Trust in God, read your Bible

God has a plan for his glory, to understand this and what the plan is you need to study the Bible.  It has the answers.  He has created this wonderful book for us to explore and come to know him and his plan for this world.  Once you understand that the words that are written in it will set you free, you can dig deeper into the meaning behind every word and letter.  

Trust begins by searching for the truth in what is written in the Bible.  The Bible explains all of human history and activities that we take part in.  He created everything and He is trying to teach us about loving him.  When the time is right he will return and show his glory.

2. Stay Connected, Band Together
In this uncertain time satan is trying to divide and conquer.  We need to band together to overcome this evil that has been unleashed on the world.  When we can band together we are stronger and have hope.  When we can band together locally we are supporting one another and connecting.  We can lean on one another and tack challenges together.

3. Learn Everything of Value
We must learn new things to continue to grow.  Growth keeps our minds moving.  In these troubling times we need to remeber the basics.  Food, shelter, clothing, & water are our essentials.  We need to constainly monitor our situation and determine if these essentials are adiquite.  If not we need to make adjustments being nimmal will help us not be trapped and put into a more difficult position.  

4. Living Light
We need to reduce our "overhead", our energy requirements, and increase our servival off the resources we have around us.  What can we do to reduce our needs from outside sources?

5. Resist Pride
The world today is filled with pride.  To make it in the world today one needs to show how great and better they are than the next person.  We must humble ourselves and elevate others and God.  From this we can overcome the evil.  How do we do this?  We need to love and not boast.  We need to listen and teach.  We need to engage the deseaved.  

6. Serve Others
We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  When we serve we connect with other that have a servant and humble heart.  This is the connection that brings us the closed to Gods love.

Serving others we need to be able to live light so our cost of living is low.  Serving takes time and presents of one, this is "local".  We are trusting God to provide.
We need to teach others about God, living light, locally, and healthy.  

Living light means:
1. Essentials only
2. getting by with as little as possible
    -Reduces worry
    -Reduces loss
    -Reduces stress
    -Reduces waste

Locally means:
1. Investment in a specific location
2. Food production
3. Governance
4. Supporting others

Heathly means:
1. Spiritually
2. Physically
3. Mentally

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Live Local

 The time has come to live locally.  God has provided everything we need.  Our biggest concern in America is food.  We have shelter and clothing, but we have not learned to grow our own food.  

In the church our biggest issue is not discussing the evil that is currently happening to our country and the world.  The Christian church can not sit back and not discuss the connection between the evil that is taking over and God’s will for us.  If churches are not preparing their followers for what is coming they are not following the will of God.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Great Minds Will Prevail

 Great minds are the ones who create innovation and generate the energy of the world.  These minds need to be promoted and encouraged.  These minds need to come together to save the world from the power hungry.  Let us work together to encourage one another and build upon the innovation that is within all of us.  To do this we need to connect with one another.  Our minds need to reflect and be used to bounce ideas off of that will create a positive impact in the world.  We need to fight tyranny and suppression.  

Master minds need to come together to sharpen iron with iron.  We need to always keep the mind in motion and never idle. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

COVID Experience

 Friday July 10th started with a headache. It was more like a tension headache.  Almost declined dinner with Dexter and Jenn, but did retire afterwards due to the headache and overall not feeling good. Dinner was nice.

In the morning I had Bible study and scheduled to work out at the farm.  I canceled the farm visit but connected with Peter for our Bible study. I was beginning to have bony aches and overall joint stiffness.  It was hard to move around.  An unusual symptom was what I call “micro cramps”.  Theses painful discomforts were like a combination tiny skin spasm and a cramp.  I had these from Saturday to roughly Monday.

It this point I was assuming I had a bad flu since I didn’t have the common usual signs associated with COVID, no fever, no loss of taste.  Tuesday I got test for COVID so when I returned to work I could assure everyone I was safe.  Coughing up clear.

Tuesday I woke with a horse throat but not a sore throat.  I talked to Several people that morning and I was expecting a return to work before the end of the week. Test came back positive.  Tuesday night I could feel some in my chest.  I did a and got a prescription filled that night for ZPak and steroids.

Wednesday feel it in my chest but normal my O2 was normal. Thursday seemed to be getting back to normal or at least stabilizing. Didn’t sleep good Thursday night, so had some NyQuil to help get over a more painful chest cough.  Friday morning slept in until 10am which is not normal for me. Remainder of the day felt wiped out and spent a majority of time sleeping.  I did start a 3D model of the mock-up seat for work, but that’s about as far as I got.  

Saturday morning coughing up brown.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Gov Pushing Vaccine

 I’m tired of all this talk about getting vaccinated.  In clinical studies the risk reduction from the the vaccination group and the placebo group is only one percent.  This is also a experimental gene therapy injection with no long term studies published.  Stop saying all people need to take it.  

With treatments available vaccination shouldn’t even be on the table anymore.  Stop pushing something that is experimental and not needed.  

There are studies that show Ivermectine (spelling to avoid censorship) can treat it along with IV vitamin C and hydroxyquaquin (spelling to avoid censorship) with zinc if taken early enough. 

The government needs to stop demanding the vaccine on everyone until the long term effects are known over the current population that has now taken the experimental drug.

With India turning to providing Ivermectine to its population I hope that the world will begin to see that the vaccines are not needed.

India taking legal action against WHO

Friday, July 2, 2021

Moral Collective Faith

 A free country can not survive without a collective moral faith.  

It’s truly amazing to watch this country fall into the arms of evil.  From censorship of life saving solutions to blatant animal behavior attacks on fellow human beings in brood day light.  We have accepted these things because we have lost the moral high ground.  

Where does this come from?  It comes from selfishness and turning our backs on God.  We have become more concerned about whether our “side” is winning.  We have given into this thinking and turned from what is good for the whole.  

Why have we done this?  Our loss of faith in a higher authority.  Our moral compass has become what is “best” for me.  

This is what has caused us to reject the rule of law.  We need to get back to our foundation of law and our moral faith.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Create Beauty in Everything You Do

 To reflect God’s creation create beauty in everything you do so that others will be drawn to him.

There is so much darkness in the world we need to show God’s light.

God has given me the gift of creating beauty.  I need to use this to draw others to his love.

Beauty is created through: loving others, being efficient, being positive, finding the good in every situation, offering wisdom, complimenting creation, passing on knowledge Of God’s love.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Protection from Deception

 What is going on in the world?  There seem to be so many things that distract us from God but now not just God and biblical values but logic, honesty, respect, and love.  From media and politics to entertainment and social media the stories and discussions have turned to being about what people are saying and their opinion about what is happening and less about what is actually happening.  Our society has become focused on pride, getting our point across, or supporting a "movement".  Where has our values of honesty, love, and forgiveness gone?  

When our foundation of biblical values got dismissed, our society began a slow sprail down into the world we find ourselves in today.  We have been captured by the deceptions of this world, to believing that there is something more important than focusing on God.  When this happens we get chaos, pride, and deception.  

It is amazing to see major news outlets getting caught up in pride to get more viewers verses reporting on what is going on in the world.

Our social media platforms have changed how we communicate in good and bad ways.  There is a false sense of feeling disenfranchised by what others have or are doing.  "Everyone" is going on vacation this summer!  It can appear as though everyone is spending the summer at the beach or in the mountains, but in reality, its several people spread out over a few months that are spending a week at the beach.  

Besides the media having a bias, either left or right we have forgotten about intregety and honesty.  Lets report on the facts.  Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity has been a great source for reporting on data and actual information.  

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Our Differences

 No matter what color skin you have, I love you!  Let's akknowlege our differences and celebrate those differences.  If you have a problem with those differences, get over it!  Now lets move on.